30 Hilarious Dogs That Got Shamed Publicly For Being Naughty

We love our pets but they can be incredibly naughty and mischievous animals at times. And the act of calling out our lovable pets for their mischievous naughtiness is a new hilarious trend that has taken the internet by storm.
If your dog is up to no good, eating garbage, stealing food, or throwing blankets, why not try making them feel guilty by outing them in public? Ok, so maybe the guilt thing is a stretch, but the pictures are funny as hell.

All you have to do is grab a pen and paper, write down your dog’s misbehavior, as well as take a picture of them with the sign and a guilty look on their face. Then, of course post it online.

And exactly as I suggested you do, the owners of Reddit are sharing the funniest stuff that their pets did in the Dog Shaming subreddit. They’re not doing this due to their pet’s aggressive behavior, but rather a pooch chewing their favorite pair of slippers, eating their dinner, or farting without any shame. And if your beloved pet has these minor slipups, there’s surely no need to send him for a time-out or penalize this kind of behavior. But if you still want to make your funny dog go on a guilt trip, Dog shaming might be the best solution.

On the other hand, some animal rights activists have considered the act of dog shaming as ‘irresponsible’ and ‘mean.’ To them I say, it’s a joke. Our pets are none the wiser and definitely not being hurt in any way. So lighten up and have some fun! Now, check out these dog shaming pics which will show you just how silly and impish our lovable pets can be!

More Info: Dog Shaming 

#1 He has no regrets


#2 The determined doggo!


#3 I wonder who put the muddy paw prints everywhere…


#4 This war criminal unleashed farts so toxic last night, that I thought he shit the bed.


#5 I’m not even sorry.


#6 Untitled (2020) urine on concrete by bad boy


#7 She’s basically an addict


#8 Hi I’m Sebastian and I took every box of cereal outside and destroyed them


#9 Happy 5 year anniversary to the time when my dog first learned about mud.


#10 I’m Peanut and I like to steal mom’s shoes while she’s at work.


#11 And he’s yet to show any remorse!


#12 Butter thief!


#13 This is Cora, Cora is naughty because she stole a bow off of a present today and refused to give it to me


#14 Dog Shaming Shenanigans


#15 She’s only sorry she got caught.


#16 I am the oldest of 5 siblings; and mom and dad just got the newest. I steal his bed whenever he is not in it!


#17 Ugh


#18 Blind Ambition


#19 She destroyed the couch in the emergency trailer we are living in, because she set the house on fire.


#20 I just don’t know what to do with this beast of mine!! Everyday it’s something new 😫🤦🏻‍♀️


#21 This is why we keep bedroom doors closed when we’re not in them


#22 What? It was like this when I found it!


#23 I know I’m not allowed on the couch. But it’s mine now


#24 I am Kaiju. I ate my Mom’s new carpet. I am not sorry


#25 Not Safe For Doggo


#26 I’m an asshole: I kill defenseless hedgehogs


#27 RIP box


#28 The Orphan is giving us all free 5G!


#29 Lucie ate today’s paper.


#30 Someone peed on the couch


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For most of the pet lovers there, we know we are choosing our pets wisely (if we have the chance to). Some things have to be considered, like our capability to raise the animal or the practicality of raising a certain breed. Because sometimes, you would be allured by the look of the pet and only realize that it would be hard to maintain the pet.

The veterinarian Ben (@ben.the.vet) shares the same viewpoint. So he published a video where he ran down the breeds of cats and dogs that would have the most disadvantages for him as a vet. Keep in mind that this list is from a veterinarian’s perspective and is subjective. This does not intend to foster aversion towards the mentioned breeds.

More info: TikTok

This veterinarian listed down dog and cat breeds that he wouldn’t recommend buying

Here’s what the audience had to say

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