Artist Expresses the Unending Inspiration That Comes From Having an Active Baby Boy and a Big Joyful Dog

A lot changes in the life of a person once they become parents. The whole world revolves around that tiny being that is a fruit of your own creation. There’s not really a word that really describes that amount of love and happiness you get overflown within the moment you hold that baby in your arms.

Something significant that really pops out to the audience it’s how their social media account transitions into an exhibition of love for their newborn. Every step of the baby’s life nowadays gets immortalized through images and videos. Their first word, step, laugh, friend, mess, literally anything that a kid will do it’s the cutest thing ever, and you just can’t blame the dear parents for oversharing.

One proud parent in particular that chose an interesting way to document their kid’s life is Nate Anderson. His baby boy, Rowan, and his adorable golden retriever became best friends in the moment of knowing each other, and the artist decided to share that special relationship with his followers. Nate decided to illustrate his two babies together in their adventures in a webcomic called Boy & Dog.

Scroll down below to see the adorable, playful and amusing relationship this tiny baby and a giant dog have.

1.Food Choice

Boy & Dog

2. Bed Books

Boy & Dog

3. Bandaid

Boy & Dog

5. Monsters

Boy & Dog

6. Repeat

Boy & Dog

7. Cheezy

Boy & Dog

8. Poop Songs

Boy & Dog

9. More poop

Boy & Dog

10. Baby

Boy & Dog

11. Weight

Boy & Dog

12. Rattle

Boy & Dog

13. Drinking

Boy & Dog

14. Hairball

Boy & Dog

15. Piggy

Boy & Dog

16. Sad

Boy & Dog

17. Toots

Boy & Dog

18. Hoser

Boy & Dog

19. Bigger

Boy & Dog

20. Hair Conditioning

Boy & Dog

5 Heart-Touching New Comics By This Artist That Might Make You Want To Shed A Tear

Art is a representation of oneself. It is an expression. One can write out his sentiments in an artistically-constructed poem. Another one can express himself by painting how he feels. On the other hand, one can draw how he perceives the world. Thus, art is beautiful and is open to many interpretations.

For today, we’ll be having some comic strips by the Thai artist Tum Natakorn Ulit. His work, blended with real-life experiences, radiates melancholy, bitterness, and sadness to its readers. But in the end, his thought-provoking wordless comics would leave the reader out of words. You can read 5 of his comics below.

More info: Instagram | Facebook

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