Expectation Vs Reality Comparisons Where the Result Turned Out Better Than Expected

The ‘expectation vs reality memes has been around for some time. We often see people sharing their own experiences of being robbed of their happiness because things just didn’t go as they expected. While many of us can relate to their utter disappointment, these experiences sometimes serve as a wake-up call that reality doesn’t always live up to our high standards. However, not all of these experiences are bad. In fact, there are also things that may exceed your expectations.

So, today we are focusing on the moments when our request gets taken very literally. Well, it’s a fact that when we buy something, we expect it to be as good as they’re advertised. Or when we make DIY stuff out of a recipe or instructions, we expect to achieve the same result as shown. But in reality, it’s quite the opposite. However, if you’re lucky, you may end up getting more than you bargained for. Some people obviously fall into the latter. And this just proves that reality isn’t all that ‘harsh’ after all. While there are many disappointments and failures along the way, it always helps to focus on the positive side!

Therefore we compiled a list of images that exceeded expectations. You will find awesome bakes, photos, and more. So, scroll down below to check them out, and make sure to upvote your favorite.

#1 “I Think It Turned Out Pretty Well”


#2 “The Way We Advertise Our Jack-O-Lantern Pizzas vs. The Way I Like To Make Them For Customers”


#3 “Looks Way Better Than The Box”


#4 “Shined My Girlfriend’s Favorite Pair Of Boots And They Turned Out Better Than Expected”


#5 “I Ran Out Of Filament During A Print, And As A Royals Fan I Decided To Make The Best Of A Bad Situation. Result Is Even Better Than Expected”


#6 “Dad’s Cookies Turned Out Just Like The Picture. Chocolate Crinkle Cookies From America’s Test Kitchen”


#7 “My Wife Loved The Cake Most Ardently”


#8 “Pretty Happy With How This Turned Out”


#9 “My Wife Did A Damn Fine Job On These Cupcakes. Delicious Too”


#10 “This Chipwich”


#11 “1st Time Making A Layered Cake. Expectation On Left, Reality On Right”


#12 “It’s My Son’s Birthday Today, And He Wanted A Fire-Truck Cake. It Came Out Better Than Expected”


#13 “American Cherry Pie Frapuccino In Japan”


#14 “Otterly Impressive Ice Cream”


#15 “When Your 3-Year-Old Asks For A Rainbow Dinosaur Donut Party You Comply. I Drew The Design And Had It Made By A Local Baker”


#16 “First Time Doing A Photo Restoration Turned Out Better Than Expected ”


#17 “I Took A Picture Through My Sunglasses At The Beach With My Phone. It Turned Out Better Than I Expected”


#18 “My Mom Made An Elsa Cake”


#19 “Commissioned Piece Of My Sweet, Late Persephone. The Artist Surpassed Any And All Expectations”


#20 Pic Given To Local Baker On The Left. Actual Hungry Unicorn Cake I Received On The Right. I Like My Cake Better


#21 I got this ice cream bar from a 7 eleven store in Tokyo and it was exactly the same as in picture. Plus it was delicious!


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Times Historians Had No Idea What Something Was And Women Stepped In And Told Them

In class, I learned that when I don’t understand something, someone else probably does. It’s more useful to learn someone’s perspective in a field than to force your perspective and fail miserably.

That’s the moral lesson to be learned in this viral Twitter thread by Gennifer Hutchison. For her, there are things that male historians and anthropologists get wrong because they usually don’t involve women’s perspectives in their research.

More info: Twitter

Writer Gennifer Hutchinson pointed out online that male scientists struggle to figure something out because they restrict women’s access to their fields

Image credits: GennHutchison

Image credits: GennHutchison

Image credits: GennHutchison

Image credits: GennHutchison

Image credits: GennHutchison

Twitter people shared hilarious examples to further support Gennifer’s point

Image credits: NachachaRocuant

Image credits: HauntedHaworth

Image credits: martienne17

Image credits: foxtrotlatte

Image credits: Harlequinclrty

Image credits: NoNotHappyDays

Image credits: obrienk2

Image credits: lahondaknitter

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