Artist Observes Daily Life and Creates Relatable Comics About Things We Miss or Simply Choose to Ignore in Life

Sobering Mirror is the Instagram name of a comic artist who chose to be anonymous for the audience. He creates some relatable comics about problems we all face daily. Every piece of his work comes from the daily observation he does. Through comics, this artist tried to reflect some aspects of life that a lot of people don’t notice or just simply choose to ignore. In fact, this is the concept behind the name he goes by as well.

As the name suggests, the sobering mirror is a sobering reflection of the life each one of us is living. Although we come from different backgrounds, Sobering Mirror reflects what ties us all together. Therefore, these comics are some you shouldn’t miss at all.

“I frequently find myself making observations about life that I feel most other people either don’t notice or want to admit. That’s how I came up with the name. I’m holding up a metaphorical mirror to the reader, and the realization that they can see themselves in my jokes is – you guessed it – sobering,” said the creator of Sobering Mirror when reached out by Earthwonders.

Below we made a collection of some of the pieces we found the most relatable to us. Scroll down for the interview and to check out the comics. Let us know in the comment section if you can relate to them as well.

More info: | Patreon | Instagram | Facebook



” I always laugh when anyone uses “art” to refer to what I’m doing with Sobering Mirror. I’m very clearly not an artist, and my comics reflect that. If anything, I’d consider myself a hobby writer who happens to use crude drawings as a vehicle to express his thoughts. As for my personal background – for now, I’m remaining anonymous. However, I will say that I’m an engineer at a well-known global software company. Until my attempts at comedy become more widely recognized, I’d prefer not to be known as “the guy who makes weird webcomics” at the office.



The engineer shared a little bit about his working process as well: “Coming up with the initial ideas is the easy part; the comics are based on thoughts that naturally occur to me day-to-day. It starts to get a little bit more difficult when it’s time to convert those thoughts into entertaining scenarios for a comic. It’s extremely difficult to draw those scenarios because I’m bad at drawing.”



























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Art is a representation of oneself. It is an expression. One can write out his sentiments in an artistically-constructed poem. Another one can express himself by painting how he feels. On the other hand, one can draw how he perceives the world. Thus, art is beautiful and is open to many interpretations.

For today, we’ll be having some comic strips by the Thai artist Tum Natakorn Ulit. His work, blended with real-life experiences, radiates melancholy, bitterness, and sadness to its readers. But in the end, his thought-provoking wordless comics would leave the reader out of words. You can read 5 of his comics below.

More info: Instagram | Facebook

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