Woman Embarrassed When TSA Checked Her Luggage And Found “An Abundance Of Pancake Mix,” Folks Share Similar Stories

Going through the TSA could be one of the most boring and annoying things you have to go through in an airport. After all, if you know you’re a law-abiding citizen, then you know that this process does not have anything out of the ordinary. You hand them your package, you run through the scanners, and you’re done.

Chelsea could have thought of the same, not until her luggage full of pancake mix made rounds online. In a Tweet, she posted a picture of a TSA officer inspecting her luggage containing pancake mix. She said that she apologized to the officer for such bizarre content, but the latter just brushed it off, saying, “Never apologize for being who you are.”

More Info: Twitter

The TSA finds a lot of objects inside people’s luggage every day, but one that is full of pancake mix is a unique find

Image credits: Chelsnii

She was then dubbed as the “Pancake Mix Girl” overnight, according to her tweet a day later

Image credits: Chelsnii

After the incident, Twitter users began to share their own weird, wacky, and funny TSA luggage stories

Image credits: EmilyYV68

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Image credits: 3Baracuda

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Image credits: Artsy_Marxist

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Image credits: ArtofAprilAnna

Image credits: beth_morton

Image credits: AdaMcVean

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Guy Explains Why His CEO Left Work At Exactly At 5 PM, Others Share Stories About The Wholesome Bosses They’ve Had)

Throughout the months, we’ve known some people who had conflicts with their higher-ups for not respecting their work schedules. For example, we met this man who wasn’t allowed to leave early even though there was no more work, so he saw to it that he wouldn’t work anymore after his time. We have also known this guy who wasn’t let go even after his work hours.

Today, we’ll end these kinds of stories on a positive note. In a TikTok video by Alec (@handle), he retold his story where he observed his boss leaving at 5 pm on the dot. He then discovered him doing some work in his car. When he asked him why he did his matters in the car and not in his office, the boss responded that he wanted his employees to appreciate their work schedules by making them comfortable at leaving at 5 pm as well.

More info: TikTok

Bosses who respect their employees’ work schedules still exist, and this man can attest to that

Image credits: pm_alec

In his video, he revealed that his CEO would leave the office exactly at the last minute of work

Image credits: pm_alec

The viewers applauded the CEO for such a positive habit

Some users shared that there are even more of those who care

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