20 People Online Share Truths They Weren’t Aware Of Until It Was A Bit Too Late In Life

The old saying goes, “Mistakes make you stronger.” However, a fact that we often overlook about that quote is whose mistakes are those? I mean, should it be your own mistakes? Or could it be others’ mistakes?

The response is both. You can learn from your own mistakes. If you do something wrong, get up, and learn from it. Now, you can also learn from other people’s mistakes, as we’ll see in this old Reddit thread. There, the community shared the mistakes they’ve made in life and the lessons that came with them, and now they’re kind to share them with us so that we can take them as our guides as well!

More info: Reddit


Image source: OG_Squeekz, Amtec Photos

It’s always better to do your work immediately rather than putting it off for later.


Image source: Skitsnacks, claire valej

That there IS hope for you to fix your mental health problems. I left things for 10 years not knowing there was decent help to be had. Although to be fair, things have progressed a lot since then


Image source: ConstructionLower549, Wyatt Fisher

Never put your education/ job / plans etc on hold for a boyfriend / girlfriend especially while in college, especially when you’re 19.


Image source: ItsWhiskeyBitch, Richard Smith

Just because you’re blood related to someone, doesn’t mean that you owe them anything. Toxic people are toxic people and you are not required to give them a single ounce of your attention if they are hurting you.


Image source: SoupIsForWinners, fromcolettewithlove

1) Soul mates aren’t a thing. 2) Learn to fight in a relationship without raising your voice and keep a check on your emotions, it’s you and your SO against the problem not you against them.


Image source: Somethingidk9, Daniel Simpson

We all make mistakes, dont dwell on it


Image source: BeauTofu, oatsy40

Be patient and wait. It’s better to be alone than with someone that doesn’t respect you.

No matter how much or good your are to someone, some of them will screw you over.

Always look after yourself first.

Start early with physical hobby and keep fit, you have one body and there is no replay.

If you love someone but they don’t love you.. move on. It will hurt like hell but in the long run, you’ll be happier.

Giving money doesn’t equate to affection, the gratitude will be short lived and you’ll only be an ATM to them in the near future.


Image source: AlterEdward, Francesco

People aren’t thinking about you even a fraction of the amount you think they’re thinking about you.

You’re noise in a lifetime of experiences and a busy mind. This is a good thing. It means you can just get what you need from people and not over think it, safe in the knowledge that they’ll forget you almost immediately.


Image source: Holybull79, Blondinrikard Fröberg

People will tell you a lot of things, but their actions are what is important. Someone will tell you that they will always be there for you, but that is not guaranteed. They will say they want you to be happy, but then do things that hurt you. Sometimes without knowing, sometimes on purpose, sometimes because they are a coward.


Image source: 6ingiiie, Vladimir Kudinov

Happiness is enjoying the things you have, not the things to come.


Image source: PDOUSR, Megan Anthony

You can lose a finger wearing a ring.


Image source: naxhh, alamosbasement

Budget save and invest

Boring af but makes a huge difference


Image source: NoBodySpecial51, Stephan Ridgway

That a death in the family brings out the worst in people.


Image source: LAESanford, Dushan Hanuska

Listen to your gut instinct. If something feels off about a person or situation, there’s a reason. Believe it the first time and walk away


Image source: puppet1987, Hans Gerwitz

Sometimes you can do everything right and still fail.


Image source: Guggelima

If you made mistakes, always confront them and the consequences right away. Waiting doesn’t make it better, it makes it worse.


Image source: Hershie23, Panca Satrio Nugroho

That you can’t please everyone so you shouldn’t worry about trying to


Image source: manp117, hans-juergen

That saying NO can save you a lot of trouble down the line.


Image source: hockeyjoker, H. Michael Karshis

I think, oddly, the lesson I learned is that there is no such thing as ‘too late in life’ – at 26, I was homeless, out of rehab, and broke. Things have changed dramatically for the better.


Image source: misterguydude, US Department of Educatio

Looking back so far, here’s my list of gotta dos:

1. Get a skill. College, intern, trade school, self taught – doesn’t matter. Get a skill.

2. Minimize your debt. Do anything to stave off picking up loans, racking up credit cards. Even with a skill, if half your money goes to paying debt, you’re gonna have a bad time.

3. Don’t chase others (relationships). Be the best you possible. Read. Work out. Think. Be happy by yourself. People like people who have a story to tell. Don’t live through others.

Guy Explains Why His CEO Left Work At Exactly At 5 PM, Others Share Stories About The Wholesome Bosses They’ve Had)

Throughout the months, we’ve known some people who had conflicts with their higher-ups for not respecting their work schedules. For example, we met this man who wasn’t allowed to leave early even though there was no more work, so he saw to it that he wouldn’t work anymore after his time. We have also known this guy who wasn’t let go even after his work hours.

Today, we’ll end these kinds of stories on a positive note. In a TikTok video by Alec (@handle), he retold his story where he observed his boss leaving at 5 pm on the dot. He then discovered him doing some work in his car. When he asked him why he did his matters in the car and not in his office, the boss responded that he wanted his employees to appreciate their work schedules by making them comfortable at leaving at 5 pm as well.

More info: TikTok

Bosses who respect their employees’ work schedules still exist, and this man can attest to that

Image credits: pm_alec

In his video, he revealed that his CEO would leave the office exactly at the last minute of work

Image credits: pm_alec

The viewers applauded the CEO for such a positive habit

Some users shared that there are even more of those who care

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