110-year-old Tree Turns Into a Little Adorable Library for the Neighborhood

The idea of the little free libraries, to take a book and give one back, has gone viral everywhere in the world. A lot of people liked the idea and installed these libraries in different corners of their city.

The Little Free Library is a nonprofit organization that aims to inspire people and help build community by encouraging people to install book exchanges in their neighborhoods. Since they started in 2009, they helped install over 75,000 libraries in 88 countries and exchange millions of books annually.

Inspired by this project, people have decided to create their own unique little corner of books. So did Sharalee Armitage Howard, an artist, librarian, and former bookbinder from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

Her family recently had to cut down a 110-year-old cottonwood tree standing in their yard and decided to use its remains to install the library inside it. The final design with all the decoration gives you a movie-like vibe.

Check out the final product in the images below.













Her little installation went viral, and people loved it.

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Today, we’ll end these kinds of stories on a positive note. In a TikTok video by Alec (@handle), he retold his story where he observed his boss leaving at 5 pm on the dot. He then discovered him doing some work in his car. When he asked him why he did his matters in the car and not in his office, the boss responded that he wanted his employees to appreciate their work schedules by making them comfortable at leaving at 5 pm as well.

More info: TikTok

Bosses who respect their employees’ work schedules still exist, and this man can attest to that

Image credits: pm_alec

In his video, he revealed that his CEO would leave the office exactly at the last minute of work

Image credits: pm_alec

The viewers applauded the CEO for such a positive habit

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